Digital Check scanners and teller equipment

The Clean Machine!

Preventive maintenance has always been a tedious, time-consuming part of owning a scanner — but neglecting it can cost you big. We are changing that with our next-generation scanners, including the CheXpress CX35 and the TellerScan TS250. Find out more about how these new machines make maintenance cheaper AND easier.

CheXpress® CX35

TellerScan® TS250

The Inside Story: Why Maintenance Matters

In this no-nonsense video, Digital Check’s Matt Freeman demonstrates several of the most common scanner issues that can occur without regular cleaning — and how to prevent them!


Cleaning Cards & Kits

Box of 15 scanner cleaning cards.Cleaning Cards – Box of 15
Official Digital Check cleaning cards with WaffleTechnology®.

Large scanner cleaning kit.Large Cleaning Kit
Includes 25 cleaning cards, 5 swabs, and 2 wipes. Perfect for use in the branch.

small scanner cleaning kit.Small Cleaning Kit
Includes 5 cleaning cards, 1 swab, and 1 wipe. Great for RDC users!

Digital Check White Paper: An Ounce of Prevention

hand cleaning a scanner with dirty image overlay.

In this short but informative piece, we share some of the insights we have gained from three decades of supporting and repairing check scanners, such as:

  • What causes false “paper jams” and image quality problems;
  • Why as many as 30 percent of all repair requests end with no trouble found;
  • How much undiagnosed maintenance issues cost if not addressed;
  • Why scanners today get dirtier than ever before!

Want to
know more?

The CX35 and TS250 will be available starting January 2024!

Enter your contact information at right if you’re interested in talking about whether these new devices will fit your organization’s plans.

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