
Please Help Us Get Better!

This short survey will help Digital Check improve the way we do business. We’d be very grateful to hear what you think about your recent return/repair request.

All feedback is read by a REAL person and shared with the individual employees and/or managers of the appropriate department. 

Customer satisfaction meter

Customer Feedback – Support RMA return
How satisfied were you with the time it took to reach someone?
(1 = very dissatisfied, 10 = very satisfied)
How satisfied were you with the representative’s knowledge and overall helpfulness?
(1 = very dissatisfied, 10 = very satisfied)
How easy was it to submit your request using our web portal?
(1 = too difficult, 10 = very easy)
How well was the return process explained in the web portal?
(1 = not well, 10 = very well)
needed only if you would like a response from us – work email preferred